im back for a few minutes!!

Tuesday, July 22

Im kinda busy lately because of school :( Lot's of test, lots of graded practical exams, going home really late.. i am so exhausted :( I need to be tough and be patient because this course aint easy at all. I just hope that everything I practiced will go well as planned.

On the other note...I miss playing at timezone with my siblings and pamangkins. I miss watching movie, although the last movie I watched was "wanted" lol. I'd like to watch batman, i'd like to sleep, id like to go on a shoppin' and to chill up with friends.. hay, miss those days :o

I am so broke right now.. can't stop swiping and swiping off my card just to buy things..but! here's the deal, i have a promise to myself, and I still need to keep that promise, no matter what.I want to be able to save more now. I should, I should, I should. I can, I can, I can. =)hay, i gotta go!! ciao!