a taste of life in culinary world

Tuesday, July 22

Today's lesson: Lab theory classes,basic kitchen sanitary rules, quick knife sharpening, various taillage, etc. and my lovidubs BREAD BAKING:)

I met a chef at the student entrance, he asked me what course Im into and told me to go upstairs and immediately changed into my costume because our class is about to start. ("costume" its a chef uniform actually) "costume" as chefs have called it. My first day was masaya 'cos i get to know my new set of friends, and somehow terrifying. The chefs were somewhat hard on us to let us know that this was serious (oo noh! tuition pa lang) and if we didn't wnt to be there daw then we should better leave. ( o, sige balik mo pera ko hehe este ng nanay ko!) lol eh kasi naman once you're enrolled then there's NO REFUND, its the school rules.

here's a brief recap:

Chef took our attendance and asked us to go to our assigned stations and meetour new groupmates:) grabe i miss this! I surely miss going to school. Yesterday was my first day of my Career in Culinary Arts program at the ISCAHM and man!!, I am so dang tired. My lower back is sore and my feet hurt.My brain also feels like it's going to explode with the plethora of information that was shoveled into it in the five hours of this first day.

The last time that I stood continously for as long as I did today was during my ojt and that was 4 years ago.By the time class was over, at exactly 8pm,my head was bursting, my legs are tired,and my back hurts kasi naman walang upuan! susme. xempre nga naman nasa kitchen eh,.we're there to learn, cook, and learn. My fingers smells flour, cream,cinnamon flour, butter,lemon,liquour and etc.. here is the sample tray of breads that chef and us students made during our bread baking class

YUM!!!!!!!!!I finished my first day and I can finally say i'm officially a culinary student. So far, my life has been pretty exciting and worth the challenge. I always pray na sana I become a successful chef as many chefs in the world today, and I can't wait for my second day.later guys!