this will be mushy:(

Tuesday, September 2

I've been busy with a million things which is why I haven't been able to catch up with this blasted page. Last week me and my girls gone wild and Im sad, maybe its the idea of staying up late, or maybe its the offensive amount of alcohol i consume last night, but no! there's something about last week that really gets me goin' and makes me feel sad. *sniff* Somebody from one of my favorite girls is about to migrate :l huhu, of yeah..of course i am happy for her, but its a sad fact that she'll no longer be here for me any minute i want to tambay at starbucks to catch up on things i kept on asking her - "huy, can't u just choose one place and settle here?
I will not waste any more time saying what i don't mean, or not saying what i want to but hey i will surely miss goofing around with each other to spread some lovin, panlalait and gaguhan = trouble! yeheyy!!
And, one more thing, this girl keep me and us alive. Hope you know that!! Sending some lovin' to yah! ill surely mis you, cos u rock man!! Hope to cook good food for you on your despedida!!


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your friend :( i would be sad as well if one of my friends would migrate, heh. But you can always keep in touch online & the phone no? :) Better then in the old days when all we had was letters! :P

Anonymous said...

Thanks afef. But you know, its sad to think that she's no longer be a text away from us.